
Описание краткое:

Jasob 1 - The ultimate solution for JavaScript obfuscation! Protects your JavaScript code from stealing. Significantly shrinks size and improves download and execution times.

Описание полное:

Jasob 1 - The ultimate solution for JavaScript obfuscation! Protects your JavaScript code from stealing. Significantly shrinks size and improves download and execution times. Jasob reads files with JavaScript code and replaces descriptive variable and function names like Customer, Salary, FirstName... with meaningless names like d, g, m... It also removes comments and unnecessary whitespace characters. The functionality of the code remains the same while source code changes dramatically. This process is called obfuscation, and the tool is called obfuscator. Obfuscated code is impossible to reverse-engineer and extremely hard or impossible to understand. It is better to distribute obfuscated version of your JavaScript code and to keep your original JavaScript source code for yourself. Features: * Jasob is capable of reading JavaScript code from the following file types: JavaScript, HTML, XHTML, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, XML, Cold Fusion and ePerl. * Rules for JavaScript code blocks for various sources (file types) can be customized. * JavaScript names that can`t be changed in the process of obfuscation can be customized. * When opening files, Jasob can open a single file, multiple files, the Jasob project or the whole web site. * There is the file viewer that shows the ed file`s contents. Depending on the currently ed tab at the top of the file viewer, source or obfuscated file`s contents is displayed. Syntax highlighting is applied to the file`s contents to make it more readable. Syntax highlighting colors can be customized. * The names bag provides support for working with a smaller subset of arbitrary names. You can apply changes from names in the names bag to names in name lists, or names in the names bag with data from names in name lists. You can also add comments to the names bag, open it, or save it to the file. * Great support for names that appear in strings. * Great support for dynamic web pages.

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