Alta Sticker Light

Alta Sticker Light
Описание краткое:

Multicolor notes on your desktop will save your working space and remind you right in time what you need to do: a note will appear in the center of the screen and a chosen tune will play. Ease and convenience of work…

Описание полное:

Alta Sticker is a tool, that creates realistic 3D notes on your desktop and controls them under your supervision. Who needs Alta Sticker and why? The answer is simple! It will be useful for those, who actively use computers not only at work, but also at home. Alta Sticker is designed for those, who treat computer as a tool to solve different tasks, not just a part of interior. Just imagine: a colleague rings you up and asks to tell your boss some sort of information. You tear off a sticker (there is not much of them left) and put down what the colleague asked you to do. Then you carefully (so that it doesn’t get lost) place the sticker on the display mask, or somewhere else and hopefully forget about it. But you have a computer! Let Alta Sticker care about you and your time! Alta Sticker has been designed for this! Simply press a key combination and a new sticker is ready to receive your message. Put down what you need, set up an alarm and roll it up. When time comes, Alta Sticker will show you the note and play a ed tune. And you won’t have to apologize before your boss and colleagues for the favor you didn’t do…

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